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These Kittens have all now been rehomed

We have some new additions to the rescue this is princess and her new kittens
Ivy, Wistey and Budlea 



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And this is Pepper and her family Iona Hamish and Mac.
Princess and Pepper are themselves very young cats

Princess, Pepper and their kittens are fortunate to be in the care of Sandbach Animal Rescue, as lots of cats with kittens are abandoned and left to an uncertain fate. 

Female cats can become sexually mature and are able to breed from just four months of age, and although everybody loves kittens, the majority of them are unwanted and many are dumped and left to fend for themselves.

Neutering or spaying  your cat is the only effective way to reduce the number of unwanted cats in the UK

Princess's  3 kittens are continuing to grow and thrive and are now 8 weeks old.

Thanks to Anais Benadie for the photos

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Last year Sandbach Animal Rescue spent an average of £5000 a month on caring veterinary treatment, food and running  expenses. This was the cost to ensure that all the rescued cats and kittens have the chance of a happy and safe life.

Due to the pandemic our fundraising activities have all but ceased, if you can help  us in any way please click the button for ways to donate.

Thank You.

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Thanks to Kevin Dowey for these photos

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